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November 30, 2022

The iPhone 14 Pro giveaway held by Wise Market, Pakistan

Wise Market organized an iPhone 14 Pro giveaway on the sidelines of the Connected Pakistan Conference held from Oct 21-23 in Lahore. The prize was an iPhone 14 Pro. The winner was chosen in a lucky draw on the last day of the occasion. Let us walk you through the event and relive those moments.

The Connected Pakistan Conference:

The Connected Pakistan Conference took place at the University of South Asia. A large number of people attended the event and listened to the speeches delivered by entrepreneurs, technology experts, thinkers, motivational speakers, and other professionals.

The CEO and co-founder of Wise Market, Pakistan, Mr. Bilal Zahid, also addressed the audience on the event’s second day. He apprised the public about the dangers of E-waste and how Wise Market intends to tackle this problem through refurbished phones and to promote the culture of recycling, reusing, and renewing in Pakistan and other countries.

The purpose behind the iPhone 14 Pro lucky draw:

The idea behind the giveaway was simple. Wise Market wanted to create a buzz among the general public about this brand and spread awareness. The Pakistani public is more or less ignorant about refurbished phones and how they can impact the environment positively.

Many people who came to Wise Market’s kiosk set up at the event asked questions about Wise Market and its business model. The company employees at the booth gave information to the public about Wise Market, the concept of refurbished phones, the harmful effects of e-waste, and how Wise Market wants to make a difference.

It was a brilliant exercise in PR, and Wise Market fully capitalized on it. The company also wanted to announce its arrival in the market with a bang. The iPhone 14 Pro giveaway was just the kind of publicity stunt any company could want to create a big splash.

Conditions for participating in the draw:

The eligibility criterion was pretty straightforward. All the participants needed to sign up at the company’s website with their email and basic information, like the company’s social media accounts and three friends. And the participants needed to be present at the event when the lucky draw happened.

The public enthusiastically participated in the draw, and there were hundreds of entries for the grand prize. Wise Market was anticipating such a rush, and it drew a lot of traffic to the company’s website and hundreds of new likes and followers.

And the winner is:

The lucky draw was scheduled for the last day of the event. Co-founder and CEO of Wise Market, Mr. Bilal Zahid, was present on stage along with the event’s organizer Mr. Zeeshan Shah at the time of the winner’s announcement.

Mr. Zeeshan did the honors, picked the lucky winner’s coupon, and announced his name. It was a random draw; the winner could have been any participant. It was just a matter of whom Lady Luck favored at the moment of reckoning.

Amid loud cheers of applause, the winner’s name was called on the microphone. ” The winner was Mr. Abbas, a primary school teacher from Jehulm. A simple man with modest means, Mr. Abbas was ecstatic to win the lucky draw. He was all praise for Wise Market and thanked it immensely for its generosity”.

Those who did not win felt left out, but Wise Market Pakistan promised that it would keep organizing such giveaways in the future. Wise Market also pledged to donate a tree for every phone sold for the following year. It is in line with the company’s policy to help create a sustainable living for all of us and maintain a clean and green environment. Moreover, the company routinely offers its products at discounts and special offers, so customers can also avail of such opportunities. 

Overall, the event was a success and well-received by the public. The company got a lot of hype because of it, and it exploited it well-all the best to Mr. Abbas, the winner. We wish him a great time with his new iPhone 14 Pro.

For more information, visit again “Wise market pk

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