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February 8, 2023

Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra: Best Tool for Content Creators

It might come as a shocker to most of you, but according to a recent study, there are over 200 Million active content creators on the web. That’s almost the same number of people living in Pakistan, which is roughly 231.4 Million😅. Out of all of these content creators, there are roughly 15 Million who are on YouTube alone. These huge numbers of content creators do need to have the best possible tech to make videos and shoot photos, and that’s where Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra comes in.

I know, I know! You’re all wondering, “Why do these people need the S23 Ultra for making content? Why don’t they use a normal setup for this purpose?” I’ll be answering these questions by going over 6 different things that I found about the S23 Ultra that will blow your mind. As shown by Samsung mobile phones, the company has made a lot of improvements over the past few years. So, buckle up because here are the topics that we’ll go over in this article.

  • 6 important aspects of Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra for content creators
  • Should you buy it for content creation

With that said, let’s start by going over the things that are vital for any content creator.

6 Important Aspects of Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra for Content Creators

Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra

Before we start with this article, I want to clear up one main question, which is why a content creator would need to buy a high-end smartphone rather than complete shooting equipment. If you’ve been following different types of content creators on different platforms (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, etc.), then you might’ve noticed they’re normal people. 

The type of people who want to push out as much good content as possible in the limited budget they have. Buying a bunch of shooting isn’t going to be easy for everyone to afford. Plus, they do need a lot of space and manpower to operate. If you’ve ever seen a small filming crew, then you know what I’m talking about. 

Additionally, over the past decade or so, all smartphones (including Samsung mobile phones) have become so advanced that even some professionals use them. I know a professional photographer who, rather than buying the latest professional camera, is using the new iPhone 14 Pro Max. This should be considered as a huge praise because the tech on the latest devices is so great that it’s comparable to professional equipment, and now a new player has come into the ring. The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra is said to be so good in the camera aspect that it even leaves the 14 Pro Max behind.

When we compared the last year’s Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G with the iPhone 14 Pro Max then, the iPhone left the S22 in its dust, but Samsung wasn’t going to take it just lying down. They got up and released the biggest response in the form S23 Ultra. Now, here are the 6 things which a content creator needs to know about this particular phone.

1. Selfie Mode

The very first thing that I want to talk about is the selfie mode of the new Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra. Due to the fact that most content is being made using the front camera, we live in a time when most content is made using the front camera. People want to show themselves as well as the life that they’re living. 

Coming back to the front camera of the selfie camera, the first thing that you’ll notice will be the new 12 MP camera. I know what you’re thinking, “Isn’t it less than last year?” and you’re completely right. The S23 Ultra does have a lower-resolution front-facing camera. However, whatever it lacks in megapixels, it more than makes for it in terms of performance.

The front selfie results of the S23 Ultra have even left the Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max behind. The texture and color control on this smartphone is considerably different than the S22 Ultra. It gives much sharper results. Plus, it also comes with dual-pixel autofocus ensuring that each time you take a picture, it never comes out blurry or out of focus. Even though all of the previous iPhones have always been amazing in this regard. Even the used iPhone 12 Pro that I’m currently using as a personal phone is quite amazing, but it can’t match the selfie results of the S23 Ultra.

2. OIS

The next interesting feature of the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra is its optical image stabilization. The OIS tech used in their previous iterations has always been great, but wherever you’re moving a bit too quickly, the result always starts to lag behind.

That’s why they made sure the OIS tech used in their devices is so good that it also surpasses the new iPhone 14 Pro Max’s legendary OIS tech. Apple cemented itself as the leading expert in this particular field, and when I compared the latest iPhone with the S22 Ultra, the iPhone was the clear winner. However, this has completely changed with the S23 Ultra.

Now when taking a video from the main camera while walking or even a light jog, the OIS is so good that it practically glides. It comes with both software-based image stabilization and a physical 2X OIS, so you know that you’re really getting something.

I even noticed that in some scenarios, the image stabilization on the 14 Pro Max was lacking for some time in comparison to S23 Ultra, and that’s saying something.

3. Video

If you’re a content creator on YouTube or any other platform that uses videos as its main source of content, then videography on the S23 Ultra is going to be your main priority. This time Samsung has made sure that they really emphasize its focus on the 8K video recording.

Unlike before, when 8K was a slightly better resolution than the 4K, this time, they really took off with it. If you’re in good lighting condition, then you’ll notice that it’s showing much more details in a video that’s already showing good details.

When I compared it directly side-by-side with the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra 5G, there was a huge difference in terms of results. The color gradient and the overall detail on the video were so good that it was also able to capture small facial hairs even though I shaved my beard the night before shooting😂.

Plus, the S23 Ultra also comes with a new feature called the high dynamic range. What this does is that if you’re some distance from an electronic sign, it will adjust the brightness of the sign in real time, so if there is any text on it, you’ll be able to read it. However, it does start to lag a little behind the 14 Pro Max in slightly low light conditions, but it’s still good enough that it’s a slight difference.

4. Audio

Every content creator needs to make sure that their message is being conveyed both loud and clear. Luckily, the sound quality of the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra is another category that takes the point from Apple. 

I recorded audio on both of the smartphones, and on both of them, the phone sound quality was amazing. However, the Apple S23 has a slight edge over Apple because when listening to the audio on the Samsung mobile phone, the audio was much clearer, and there was less of an echo.

5. Night Mode

If you’re a type of content creator that loves to shoot videos or take pictures at night, then you’re in luck because this is another category that Samsung has taken the win from Apple. For the last few years, no one was able to dethrone Apple when it came to night mode, but this all changed with the S23 Ultra.

Even though there was some slight noise in the pictures that I took from Samsung, it was on a different level. The pictures were much clearer and bright enough to make the details properly visible. I’m not talking about the type of brightness that they previously used in their phones. I want a picture that looks like I took the image at night or in low light, and the S23 Ultra didn’t disappoint.

That’s where Samsung has made sure to pull through and make sure to beat Apple’s iPhone 14 Pro Max at night mode.

6. Portrait Mode

No matter where or who you are, if you’ve ever seen an Apple portrait shot, then you can’t disagree that it’s the best. However, Samsung S23 Ultra 5G has also caught up with the iPhone in terms of portrait shots. 

Now compared to the 14 Pro Max, Samsung mobile phone comes with much better edge detection, and when it’s combined with its high 200 MP camera, the end result will be something else. I took many side-by-side pictures, and each time Samsung was pulling slightly ahead. 

Should You Buy It for Content Creation

Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra

Now, the main question is should a content creator buy Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra in Pakistan? It mainly depends if a person has enough money to spend on this high-end device, but I think that it’s going to be one amazing investment on your part.

It has all the latest, all the things and whistles that a content creator on the web and then some. Plus, if you want to use this phone just like any other phone, then it’s still an amazon choice. One accessory that I recommend with this phone is the Samsung Galaxy Buds 2 Pro which gives some of the best possible audio on the market.

If you want to buy any of these products, the best place to get them is Wise Market, where we give not only the best devices but also the best prices. We have all the latest tech that you might need. Plus, if you’re not a fan of new tech and want to play your part in preventing e-waste, then the best thing to do is buy a used mobile. We have a huge collection of those as well, ranging from iPhone to Xiaomi. 

In addition to that, we also have tons of accessories like smartwatches, earbuds, and other lifestyle products. So, if you’re planning to buy the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra, then I recommend that you check out Wise Market Pakistan.

For more info about Samsung mobile latest series visit my blog section blogs.wisemarket.com.pk



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