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February 22, 2024

Rooting for Nature: Plantation Drive by Wise Market Pakistan

Wise Market Pakistan is always known for its commitment to providing what it promised. For the past year, we’ve made sure that you only get the best device for the best price and always get what you want.

However, that’s not the only place where Wise Market keeps its promise. There was a promise made by our esteemed CEO, Mr. Bilal Zahid, for a plantation drive, which we’ve successfully implemented and played our role in improving the overall quality of this beautiful country in which we live.

Now, you might be wondering what exactly the promise was, or if you’re someone new to this website, then you might be wondering what exactly Wise Market PK is. Don’t worry because today, we’re going to explain all the relevant information you need to know about drive, goals, and promises. 

Here are all the topics that we’ll cover in this blog.

  • What is Wise Market Pakistan
  • What was the promise made by Mr. Bilal Zahid
  • How did the plantation drive went

Now, since some of you might not be aware of what our platform is and what we stand for, let’s start with a short introduction.

What Is Wise Market Pakistan

This is actually an online marketplace for all of your tech and other product needs. This project was launched by Mr. Hamza Majeed (owner) and Mr. Bilal Zahid (CEO & Co-founder), two tech industry powerhouses.

It’s your one-stop shop for incredible tech deals. Originally gracing New Zealand, Australia, and Dubai, this online marketplace has arrived in Pakistan, which offers a treasure trove of smart devices, from mobile phones to home appliances, all at a budget-friendly price range.

Find the latest gadgets, like the Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max, without breaking the bank. This is because Wise Market’s easy installment plans let you spread the cost, which makes your dream tech more accessible. Plus, free, secure delivery straight to your doorstep means no waiting in lines.

And for added peace of mind, open the box before accepting to ensure it’s exactly what you ordered. However, if you want to see for yourself, you can always choose the self-pickup option or visit them at events.

Don’t be fooled by the shiny new tech: Wise Market PK is also an eco-warrior! Their mission is to combat e-waste by providing used smart devices a second life. E-waste is a menace to our ecosystem, and removing it as much as possible is the best course of action. However, that’s just one side of the coin.

What Was the Promise Made by Mr. Bilal Zahid

Since making our surroundings more habitable and secure for our future generation is a priority, Wise Market Pakistan has taken some initiative.

As discussed above, we promote used mobile phones and other devices to avoid as much waste as possible. The more used devices are in circulation, the less e-waste they’re going to spread. 

However, that’s still just one side of the story because deforestation is also harming and destroying the natural ecosystem upon which so many living creatures thrive. We also need these plants to sustain a healthy lifestyle and reduce pollution.

According to Global Forest Watch, In 2010, Pakistan had 648 kha (thousands of hectares) of tree cover. It extended over 0.74% of Pakistan’s entire land. However, according to a survey done in 2022, it lost 49 ha (hectare) of tree cover, which is equivalent to 19.3 kt of CO₂ emissions.

This figure might help you realize why there is so much pollution in the ear. There aren’t enough plants to sustain us. That’s why, in 2022, our esteemed CEO, Mr. Bilal Zahid, made a promise at the CPC event  in 2022.

He made a promise that in the following year, we’ll observe the total number of sales we make.  Once we’re done for the year, we’ll calculate the overall sales and match those figures with the terms of the plants.

So, when we checked the total number of sales made in the year 2023, the figure came to around 2000. That’s why we implemented the plantation drive with the goal of planting 2000 plants.

How Did the Plantation Drive Went

To put it simply, the entire event was a major success. Wise Market Pakistan delivered on its promise by planting 2000 plants in Canal Garden. To start off the drive, the first plant was hand-planted by our Mr. Bilal Zahid, who was right to inform the Wise Market’s office.

Once that was done, all of our team members moved on to the main event, which was Canal Garden. We signed an MOU with Canal Garden, which will do a plantation in this society, and they were aesthetic for this event.

There were so many people from the society present there. This included the owner of Canal Garden, his general secretary, the executive body of the society, and small children. All of them were excited to plant as much as possible.

Firstly, there was an inauguration ceremony in which everyone cut a ribbon to signify the beginning of the plantation drive. After that, around 7-8 plants were hand-planted by both our event manager and other people. Once those were planted, the rest were handed over to the society to plant them as they went.

One thing we should mention is that Wise Market Pakistan didn’t just pick run-of-the-mill plants. There was a wide variety of different plants ranging from fruit to flowers, and all of them were of high quality.

After the inauguration of the plantation drive, everyone had a wonderful time enjoying lunch. There was also the part where gifts were given from us to the people present there. All in all, it was a successful event, and it went off without a hitch.

Another promise upheld of which Wise Market Pakistan is most proud. So, if you want to play your part in improving Pakistan’s overall environment, then buy used devices. Plus, if you want to be a part of any sort of event that Wise Market holds, then don’t worry because we keep holding such events throughout the year. You can learn about all of the previous events held from our blog section.

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The Plantation Campaign by Wise Market Begins at Canal Garden


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